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When Will Countries (Canada,…), CEOs (Zuckerberg,…), Politicians (Cruz,…) Learn?
Don’t Submit to a Bully, Unite and Retaliate!
It’s truly baffling that supposedly smart folks and business titans never learned a simple lesson in their youth. If someone bullies you, the only way to survive is to hit him so hard, hopefully when he’s not expecting it, that he never bothers you again. It’s that simple. Yes, it requires courage to stand up, but if you don’t you will never be left in peace. It sure helps, if you can unite with other victims and act as one, presenting a united front. Maybe these important politicians and CEOs were never bullied in the schoolyard, so they never learned. Still, it’s not too late. So learn now!
Trump is the proverbial bully. He picks adversaries one at a time. He threatens them with hell if they don’t bend to his will. Be they a person, an organization or a country. Trump knows that most men and women are afraid and think only of their immediate punishment or reward. Sadly, most, if not all, bend for short-term reward — not to be primaried (for political candidates), to avoid tariffs or sanctions or undercover aggression (for countries) and helpful government regulations for corporate enrichment as in our crony capitalist system (for CEOs).