The Muslim World Is A Ticking Time Bomb

Muslims, Unite Across Borders and Push for Peaceful Reforms

Hossein Askari


Take a look at Muslim countries. Most are run by oppressive, corrupt autocrats who have distorted and misrepresented Islam and weaponized it to rule. Instead of being a guiding light and a way of life, Islam has become a stick and a heavy yoke. Most Muslim economies languish, while a few prosper only because they have oil and natural gas to pump. There is inequality in everything from healthcare and education to income and wealth. Corruption and poverty abound. Rulers neglect the deprivation and genocide of Muslims in foreign lands, be they in Israel, China, Myanmar or in India and support these same rulers to stay in power themselves; recently, some even congratulated Netanyahu as he formed a fascist theocratic coalition to further subjugate Palestinians and seize more of their land, and the United Arab Emirates apparently invited Netanyahu to visit the UAE in January, while others have welcomed President Xi as he persecutes Uyghur Muslims. Muslim rulers know no shame.

Muslims yearn for reform and change but are afraid to stand up as they face jail, execution and the barrel of a gun. All they have for comfort is the popular memory of the overblown Muslim glories of centuries ago. This state of deprivation is a ticking time bomb that will erupt across the Muslim world unless it is addressed peacefully and soon.

How did Muslim countries get to this point? Corrupt rulers highjacked Islam shortly…



Hossein Askari

MIT engineer-economist. Prof: Tufts, UT-Austin, GW. IMF Board. Gov Mediator: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. Focus on Econ-Fin, Oil, Sanctions, Mid-East, Islam