Shame on the United States, Israel, Arabs and Muslims

Israel’s Inhumanity, Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing and the Suffering of Palestinian Women and Children Will Forever Haunt Our Descendants

Hossein Askari
7 min readNov 9, 2023


Let’s set the stage. The Hamas attack on illegal Jewish settlements was horrific and cannot be condoned. Yet, as the Secretary General of the United Nations said, “It did not happen in a vacuum,” and “Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children.”

Beginning in 1948, Jews have driven Palestinians from their homes, have not allowed them to return and have not compensated them for their loss. All actions that are against international law and even more importantly, actions that are inhumane, immoral and unjust. Since 1967 Jews have illegally expanded their settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, with about 750,000 Jews now residing there illegally. They have terrorized Palestinians on a daily basis and in this they have been supported by Israeli forces (the IDF and police). Gaza was set up as the largest open-air prison housing close to 2.5 million Palestinians in sub-human conditions, cut off from the rest of the world by Israel aided by Egypt to prevent the inflow of refugees.

Israel’s reign of terror would not have been possible without U.S. military, financial and political support as well as Arab and Muslim acquiescence.

The United States has given more aid to Israel, a country with a higher GDP per capita than…



Hossein Askari

MIT engineer-economist. Prof: Tufts, UT-Austin, GW. IMF Board. Gov Mediator: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. Focus on Econ-Fin, Oil, Sanctions, Mid-East, Islam