Iran, U.S. Sanctions, JCPOA and the NPT: What’s in the Future?

Hossein Askari
5 min readJun 27, 2022

What Else Could Iran Do?

Former President Trump tore up the JCPOA, or the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which former president Obama had signed and which was ratified by the United Nations Security Council. Iran was compliant with the agreement, but Trump, responding to the wishes of the Israeli and some Arab governments, tore it up. As a result, the economic sanctions relief that was due to Iran was rescinded and Trump piled on more sanctions to boot. Yet Iran, naïvely hoping for a miracle with the possibility of a new U.S. administration, continued to keep up its end of the deal for some time before deciding that enough was enough!

Adding insult to injury, former President Trump ordered the assassination of Iran’s top general — Ghassem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), Iran’s elite military force. Then Trump added more insult by designating the IRGC a terrorist organization, resulting in further automatic economic sanctions and making it more difficult for Iran and the incoming U.S. administration (and the other parties to the deal) to restore the agreement.

After President Biden’s team started indirect negotiations to restore the agreement, conversations stalled about three months ago in March, in part because of the IRGC designation as a…



Hossein Askari

MIT engineer-economist. Prof: Tufts, UT-Austin, GW. IMF Board. Gov Mediator: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. Focus on Econ-Fin, Oil, Sanctions, Mid-East, Islam