Economic Sanctions Are a Global Curse

A World Regressing Beyond Repair

Hossein Askari
5 min readSep 4, 2022


Political leaders in the United States have touted economic sanctions as less costly and more humanitarian than wars to affect the objectionable policies of an adversary. I beg to differ.

Prolonged sanctions can inflict pain, physical destruction and death, disrupt global supply chains, force sub-par and costly restructuring of the global economy, reshape global alliances with fallout that can last much longer than most conventional wars. It is a Neo-colonial instrument available to an exclusive club of two or three economic powers who also have a strong military to enforce their will. The United Nations and the global community must rein in sanctions before the world becomes fractured and adversarial beyond repair.

For America, sanctions are a silent weapon with little visible and immediate hardship. No soldiers going to war or shedding blood. No horrific images on TV screens. A sanitized war! The U.S. is seen as doing ‘something’ to take on an adversary. It is a weapon that the U.S. can use more than any other country because it has the biggest economy with the deepest financial sector and the dollar as the global currency for asset accumulation and trade. It is a weapon which can have dire and unknown fallout for many years to come.

A brief look at Iran, Venezuela and Russia may shed some light on some of the results of sanctions. The U.S. has sanctioned Iran longer than any country except Cuba, more heavily than…



Hossein Askari

MIT engineer-economist. Prof: Tufts, UT-Austin, GW. IMF Board. Gov Mediator: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. Focus on Econ-Fin, Oil, Sanctions, Mid-East, Islam