Member-only story
Criminals in Gaza, their Enablers and their Offspring Will Pay a Heavier Price than the Nazis
Netanyahu, Biden, Sunak, Scholz, Macron, Trudeau and Many More
Upfront, let me say that people who say that Israel’s actions, namely, murdering over 25,000 helpless human beings (mainly women and children), injuring another 100,000 plus and displacing nearly 2,000,000 to boot are all entirely justified because of the barbaric attack of October 7 have a myopic view of events or are inhuman. They must have lived in a cocoon and are not aware, or chose to ignore, the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have been killed, imprisoned, and driven from their homes since 1948 and they fail to see the ongoing human suffering in Gaza. October 7 does not give Israel a permanent get out of jail card.
If there is an iota of humanity in us, we should weep for what is happening today in Gaza and in the West Bank before our very eyes.
At a minimum, Benjamin Netanyahu is a criminal engaged in war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, if not a perpetrator of an ongoing genocide. For him there is no hope. He says he is a devout Jew and he had better pray that there is no God because if there is he will undoubtedly fry in hell. He is not alone. There are Zionists in Israel and around the world who support him politically and/or with money and are complicit in all that he does. They are not innocent.